If your child will be absent or arriving late to school, please call the Attendance Secretary to report that your child will not be in school that day.
After an absence, a hand-signed Parent Note (PN) or Doctor's Note (DN) must be submitted to the office within three days of the student's return to school.
A maximum of 10 absences per school year may be excused with a written Parent Note (PN). Any additional absences will require a Doctor Note (DN).
All students are expected to locker and report to their homeroom every day. Students arriving after homeroom begins will be considered unexcused tardy (TDY).
Eight (8) tardies to school will be considered one (1) unlawful absence in grades K-8.
Early Dismissals
If your child must leave school early, a written request by a parent must be presented to the office upon his or her arrival to school. A pass with the dismissal time will then be given to your child (no parent sign-out required). In cases where a note is not provided ahead of time, the parent/guardian is required to sign the student out in the main office.
Only a doctor’s note will excuse an Early Dismissal. Any Early Dismissal prior to 1:50 PM will be counted as a Parent Note.
Family Vacations
Students may be excused from school for up to 5 days of school per year for a family vacation. Family Vacation days (FV) must be pre-approved in advance.
Advance permission is required for family vacations, "Take Your Child to Work Day", and non-school related sports activities.