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Welcome to 6th Grade Intramurals

The purpose of the 6th Grade Intramural program is to give the students exposure to a variety of different sports:  basketball,  wrestling, volleyball, track,  and lacrosse. The program for all sports runs for 12 school days. 

The Middle School Code of Conduct must be signed before participation.

Activity Fees must be paid in advance in order to participate.

Please be advised that all students must have a current physical exam on file with the school nurse prior to participation. This physical does not have to be a PIAA physical. All that is necessary to participate is a permission slip signed by either parent. Equipment will be supplied by the respective coach. Wrestling and track will culminate with a tri-meet with our sister middle schools in West Chester.

The start dates for Coed Volleyball and Basketball will depend on what affect the weather has had on our winter sports program. Students should pay attention to morning announcements for exact start dates. 

Intramural Sports Offered:



Coed Basketball

