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Stetson Athletics

Stetson Athletics provides the opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students to participate in 14 different PIAA sports throughout the school year. In addition, there is a 6th grade intramural program that consists of 5 different sports throughout the school year. Per the WCASD Code of Conduct for extra-curricular activities:
The primary purpose of the extra-curricular program in the West Chester Area School District is to promote the physical, social, emotional, intellectual and moral well-being of the participants. The extracurricular program is an important and integral part of the total school program and is open to participation by all students regardless of individual differences. Through voluntary participation, students give time, energy and loyalty to their extra-curricular program. They also accept the rules, regulations and responsibilities that are unique to the program.
In order to contribute to the welfare of the group, each student must willingly assume these obligations because the role of a participant demands that the individual make sacrifices not required of others. Emphasis will be placed on respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, and citizenship in hopes that all participants in our extracurricular activities will be a positive force in preparing youth for an enriching and vital role in American life In order for 7th and 8th grade students to participate in PIAA sports they must meet all eligibility requirements in accordance with PIAA rules. The expectation for both our student athletes and coaches is that the uphold high standards of character, good sportsmanship and fair play. An important guideline for players, coaches and fans comes in the following PIAA message on sportsmanship: “PIAA requires all registered sports' officials to enforce the sportsmanship rules for coaches and contestants. Actions meant to demean opposing contestants, teams, spectators, and officials are not in the highest ideals of interscholastic education and will not be tolerated.” All contestants, spectators and coaches should show mutual respect to each other.
7th and 8th grade sports at Stetson are valuable opportunity for learning in a competitive sports environment and are intended to provide a positive well-rounded experience for all participants. In 7th grade, all players should have the opportunity to participate in games, although ultimate discretion is up to the coaches. If there are any concerns, these should be communicated to the coach to facilitate a positive resolution to any issues that arise. 8th grade athletics are meant to prepare athletes for a higher level of competition and while playing time during games is not guaranteed, coaches should use their best discretion in allowing students an opportunity to participate. Communication between coaches, athletes and parents is a key component to the success of Stetson’s athletics program.