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Our Opportunities

The West Chester Area School District has a tradition of offering high-quality extra- curricular programs for its students. In this time of budget challenges, our goal is to continue that tradition. However, it is our belief that the growing costs associated with these activities should be offset to some extent by student participants and their families.

The activity fee is designed to be as fair and equitable as possible. As a result, fees are set at levels that will not discourage participation, within a structure that represents underlying costs and the fee policies of surrounding districts , while also taking into account other support provided by booster organizations.

Funded Activities & Sports:

Extracurricular activities and interscholastic athletics that are supported by paid coaches or advisors.


The collection of a yearly activity fee is communicated to parents through summer mailings and further reinforced by coaches, advisors, and directors. Activity fees are collected each school year for funded activities/sports, or the fee for sports may be collected after final cuts for teams are announced. Once a student has participated in a funded activity/sport, no refund of an activity fee is permitted. Participation in funded activities/sports is optional.

Tier Three - High School Students

Families of high school students will be assessed a $112.00 activity fee per student, per year, which allows the student to participate in one or multiple funded activities and/or sports.

Exceptions and Fee Limitations:

  • Family Fee Cap - The maximum amount a family may pay yearly in activity fees is $250.00.
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Students - Students who qualify for the national Free and Reduced Lunch Program are not required to pay activity fees.
  • Activity Fee Waiver Application - Families experiencing financial hardships may apply for financial assistance through the Office of the Assistant Superintendent.
  • Service Activities - Participation in a service activity does not require an activity fee. Examples of service activities include but are not limited to: Yearbook, Student Government, Class Officers (9-12), and National Honor Society.


The activity fee is collected annually, and if you choose to participate in a funded activity, please pay by using the online payment method, PaySchoolsCentral. Be sure to select the Activity Fee option.

Additional information is available on our Activity Fee website.