Parent Survival Tips for Middle School
For children going into middle school, there are many anxieties, apprehensions and fears to deal with and overcome. Middle schools are larger than elementary schools, the school work is harder, and there are more classes and more teachers - all with different expectations and personalities. If you have a child who is entering middle school for the first time, know that it is normal for your child to express concern.
1. Don't be too anxious about your child going to middle school. Talk about the middle school experience in a positive way! Your enthusiasm and support can help make this BIG change in your child's school life a positive one.
2. Help your child develop an organizational strategy.
- Designate a study space and set a consistent study time.
- Buy your child the necessary folders and binders to stay organized.
- Conduct a weekly clean-up.
- Keep a master calendar.
- Prepare for the week/day ahead.
- Provide help and support while your child is learning to become more organized.
- Check Schoology.
- Check your child's assignment book daily.
3. Utilize Stetson Middle School's resources.
- Explore Stetson's website with your child.
- Check Schoology: Homework is updated on the website.
- You can access the Parent Portal to check grades and progress.
- Read the Falcon Flash. It has many important updates and information.
4. Practice a combination lock with your child over the summer.
5. Talk about social skills. Talk about traits that make a good friend. Discuss how words and actions can affect other people. Practice skills needed for difficult social situations.
6. Openly communicate with your child. Keep the lines of communication open between your child and school staff. Be informed, listen, and talk to your child.
7. Get involved as a parent. Attend parent-teacher nights, open houses, PTO meetings, and/or other events where you can connect with your child's teachers and the school.
8. Encourage your child to get involved in school activities! Have them join a team, club, or other extra-curricular activity and attend after-school events.
9. Help your child to be his or her own advocate. Encourage your child to discuss problems and solutions with teachers on their own, but be ready to help as needed. If a problem arises in a particular class about assessment/homework, e-mail the teacher directly. E-mail the counselor with family or social concerns.
10. Take advantage of opportunities to tour the building. Attend orientation meetings, registration, and open house!
Other Helpful Tips
Review organizational skills Contact a friend or neighbor with a middle school child. Ask about their child's transition.
Join the Stetson PTO and attend the meetings to obtain accurate information about what is happening at Stetson.
Review the Stetson Handbook and District Discipline Code Manual with your child, including all rules and guidelines. (You may want to highlight the differences between elementary school and middle school)